Wednesday, May 16, 2007

RSS Feeds

I believe I have signed on to 5 RSS Feeds now. Whew...confusing to get started.
They are...
1. Orange Slices
2. About
3. Dog Reader
4. About Cats
5. Quotes of the Day
I only scanned them briefly so I'm not very familiar with them yet. I can see the advantages in RSS though (once you know how to navigate everything).
Gee, I'm nearly done with lesson 3!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Second time's a charm...

Ok... Here I begin again.
The first blog I created I lost my password to.
Maybe I should have it tattooed on this time.
Seriously though, I HAVE written it down in no fewer than 3 places as I would be mortified to make the same mistake again.
Now that I've succeeded in this, maybe I can catch on to those RSS feeds!